LongeviQuest is pleased to announce the age validation of Fuji Takashima at 112 years old. She is a Japanese supercentenarian born on 15 August 1911 in the village of Kotsubo (Zushi City), Kanagawa Prefecture.

When she was 12 years old, her mother died due to typhoid fever in 1923 so she took care of her youngest brother at that time. Her other siblings were either placed in relatives’ homes or put in a hospital.

On her 112th birthday in 2023. (Source: Hokkaido Shinbun)

On her 112th birthday in 2023.
(Source: Hokkaido Shinbun)

On 1 September 1923, the Great Kanto Earthquake shook the land while she was feeding her youngest brother. The siblings wanted to wait for the shaking to cease but the ground around them started to fracture. The two of them escaped into the beach nearby but then the fishermen in the area shouted that there was a tsunami that would come their way. Fuji Takashima carried her brother up to the hill to avoid the tsunami. Finally, they managed to find refuge in a temple cemetery where they stayed for three days and nights while fighting hunger and thirst. She shared this story at an elementary school in Zushi City when she was 93 years old.

Takashima moved to Kamakura from Zushi City in 1941 during the emergence of the war. She stayed in Tokyo after getting married.

When she was 80 years old, she relocated to the area of Yokosuka City in Kanagawa Prefecture where her nephew lived.

For more information, please view Fuji Takashima’s Directory Profile here.