Mary Ransopher, Indiana’s Oldest Resident, Celebrates Her 112th Birthday
Mary Ransopher, Indiana’s Oldest Resident, Celebrates Her 112th Birthday
Maria Farrugia, Malta’s Longevity Recordholder, Dies at 112
Maria Farrugia, Malta’s Longevity Recordholder, Dies at 112
Donald Rose, Britain’s Oldest Man, Celebrates His 110th Birthday
Donald Rose, Britain’s Oldest Man, Celebrates His 110th Birthday
Maria da Conceição de Brito, the Doyenne of Portugal, Celebrates Her Claimed 112th Birthday
Maria da Conceição de Brito, the Doyenne of Portugal, Celebrates Her Claimed 112th Birthday
Enelle Smith, the Doyenne of the British Virgin Islands, Celebrates Her 106th Birthday
Enelle Smith, the Doyenne of the British Virgin Islands, Celebrates Her 106th Birthday
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Tag: Hokkaido Prefecture
