Jesús Redondo Bermejo, age 108, is now a validated Spanish semi-supercentenarian.

Jesús Redondo Bermejo was born in Cañaveral, Cáceres Province, Extremadura, Spain, on 2 June 1915. He spent decades crunching numbers as a town hall accountant before retiring at 76. He was a husband and a father to at least 3 children.

On his 108th birthday, with LongeviQuest representative, Daniel Germán Delgado.

On his 108th birthday, with LongeviQuest representative, Daniel Germán Delgado.

Now a centenarian, his eyesight remains sharp, allowing him to enjoy books and TV without glasses. He splits his time between his hometown and an assisted living facility in Cáceres. At the time, he had 7 grandchildren and 4 great-grandchildren.

For more information, please view Jesús Redondo Bermejo’s Directory Profile here.