LongeviQuest is pleased to announce that Þórhildur Magnúsdóttir, Iceland’s oldest person turned 106 years old. She is an Icelandic centenarian born on 22 December 1917 in Miðhús in Biskupstung.
She moved to Reykjavík when she was a child after being born in Miðhús in Biskupstung. Þórhildur Magnúsdóttir celebrated her 106th birthday by sharing how much she loves fish. As stated by her, she likes nothing better than fresh fish, especially if it is Salmon or Trout.

Þórhildur Magnúsdóttir. mbl.is/Árni Sæberg
Þórhildur also loves dancing and walking in heels. She even mentioned that she does not have much to do but also stated, “I live my daily life and nothing else, I’m not into any sprints or anything. But there’s always enough to do.”
Her 97-year-old sister Hulda often comes and visits her so the two of them can walk to her house and have some coffee together. She also noticed that her younger sister was in great shape despite her age, stating that longevity runs in their family.
LongeviQuest is delighted to greet Þórhildur Magnúsdóttir for her 106th birthday celebration. We wish her the best for her health and future endeavors.