Fumie Suzuki, a resident of Aikawa, Kanagawa Prefecture, passed away on 25 December, at the age of 112 years, 188 days. Her passing was reported by the specialized nursing home where she resided.

Suzuki (Japanese: 鈴木ふみ江) was born into a farming family in Ōtaki, Chiba Prefecture, Japan, on 20 June 1912. After graduating from a girls’ high school, she worked as an assistant nurse in Tokyo during her teenage years. Around the age of 20, she pursued studies in etiquette at a mansion in Tokyo, where the man residing there fell in love with her, leading to their eventual marriage.

Following their marriage, the couple resided in Kanda, Tokyo. However, on March 10, 1945, the day before the Tokyo air raids, they evacuated to her hometown in Chiba Prefecture with their four young children, successfully avoiding the ravages of war. They lived in Chiba for several years post-World War II, during which her youngest child was born in 1947. In 1949, they returned to Shibuya, Tokyo, and her husband resumed his work in joinery sales. After raising her own children, she dedicated herself to looking after her grandchildren. Her children lived in Tokyo, Chiba, Saitama, and Kanagawa, and she took pleasure in looking after a total of approximately 20 grandchildren, regularly traveling between each of her children’s homes.

Around the age of 107, she suffered a fall at home resulting in a broken hip. Following a two-month hospitalization, she moved into a nursing home in Aikawa Town.

At the time of her passing, she was the second-oldest (known) living person in Kanagawa Prefecture, following Nobu Kawano, a resident of Yokohama, who was born in March 1911.

The featured image: At the age of 111. (Source: Courtesy of the nursing home)

We extend our heartfelt condolences to the family and loved ones of Fumie Suzuki during this difficult time.