It is with great pleasure for LongeviQuest to share that Mary Cantway of Chicago, Illinois, turns 110 years old.

Mary Cantway currently resides in Homewood, Chicago, Illinois, where she celebrated her 108th and 110th birthday. Her daughter stated that she has been living at her home for 67 years now but Cantway believes that it is already 70 years since they bought the house.

At 90 years old, she is not sure that she will pass the centenarian mark. But when she reached triple-digit age, she was also not sure if she would reach 110 years old. Despite that, she celebrates 110 years of life at her Homewood residence. When asked about her thoughts on reaching 120 years old, she replied “Oh, gosh, no,” she said. “I don’t expect to be around that long. I think 110 is pretty good.”

Mary Cantway at 110

When she was asked about her secret on longevity, she simply replied “I think you do have to keep moving to keep going,” 

Mary Cantway was born on 30 September 1914 in Chicago, Illinois, United States.

At some point in her life, she got married to Elmo E. Cantway and had two children with him.

LongeviQuest sends our warmest greetings to Mary Cantway’s 110th birthday celebration. May she continue to inspire the people around her and all of us.