Adele Lankenau, possibly the second-oldest living person in Germany, passed away in Osterholz-Scharmbeck, Lower Saxony, on October 6th, at the age of 111 years, 193 days. Her passing was confirmed through a public obituary published in Weser Kurier Trauer.

Lankenau was born in the district of Friedensheim in Vollersode, Lower Saxony, Germany, on 27 March 1913. Both of her parents passed away when she was young. In 1938, she married Hinrich Lankenau, and the couple had three children, including Horst. They moved to Lesumstotel (Ritterhude). She was widowed in 1971.

Lankenau stayed in Lesumstotel until she was 101. After that, in 2014, she relocated to the Haus am Hang nursing home in Osterholz-Scharmbeck. Until moving to the nursing home, she managed her household entirely on her own. When asked about the secret to her longevity, she said she didn’t have one, adding, “Life is too short to be angry!”

On 23 July 2024, following the passing of 113-year-old Erna Brosig, she became the oldest (known) living resident of Lower Saxony.

Featured image’s source: Lankenau on her 110th birthday (Source: Weser Kurier)

LongeviQuest sends our deepest condolences to the bereaved family and friends of Adele Lankenau.