LongeviQuest is pleased to announce that the European Supercentenarian Organisation (ESO) has validated the age of Adelaide Sofia on 6 August 2024.
Adelaide Sofia was born on 1 November 1913 in Meijinhos, Viseu District, Portugal.
At the age of 27, she got married and had children.
In September 2004, at the age of 90, it was reported that she was living with her son in a house without electricity and wished to have it installed. At that time, they were still using candles and oil lamps for lighting at night. They asked for help at the City Council but nothing had been done.
Adelaide Sofia passed away on 12 July 2024 in Melcões, Viseu District, Portugal.
For more information, kindly visit her Directory Profile here.
The European Supercentenarian Organisation (ESO) is an Accredited Partner Organization of LongeviQuest. ESO researchers are represented on the Global Validation Commission by Dr. Andrew Holmes.