Dorothy Burnham, American Civil Rights Activist and Microbiologist, Celebrates 110th Birthday
Dorothy Burnham, American Civil Rights Activist and Microbiologist, Celebrates 110th Birthday
Texas Supercentenarian Lillian Elam Passes Away at 110
Texas Supercentenarian Lillian Elam Passes Away at 110
Ruby Druce, Ireland’s Oldest Person, Dies at 109
Ruby Druce, Ireland’s Oldest Person, Dies at 109
Léonise Sinzélé of Martinique, France, Celebrates Her 110th Birthday
Léonise Sinzélé of Martinique, France, Celebrates Her 110th Birthday
British Supercentenarian Barbara Rawlin Dies at 110
British Supercentenarian Barbara Rawlin Dies at 110
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Longevity Science

Using a Surface Biomarker to Target Senescent Cells
1 hour
Scientists have identified a senescence-associated surface protein that can be targeted using antibodies and published their work as a pre-print [1]. This discovery might help distinguish between beneficial and harmful senescent cells and could speed up the development of senolytic therapies. This work was done by the Lifespan Research Institute, ...
Cellino’s regenerative medicine tie-up with Matricelf is a step forward for longevity
2 hours
A new partnership between Cellino and Matricelf, which aims to create personalized regenerative therapies for the treatment of spinal cord injuries, has generated patient-specific neural tissues with the potential to restore lost function. Combining advanced stem cell technology with 3D tissue engineering, the collaboration is a step towards ...
Founders Longevity Forum London reveals first wave of speakers
2 hours
The Founders Longevity Forum, a pivotal event in the global longevity sector, is set to return later this year to its inaugural host – London. The longevity sector is experiencing unprecedented growth, projected to expand from $78.4 billion in 2024 to $376.5 billion by 2032. As advancements in science, technology and investment accelerate...
Harnessing the power of personalized cell therapy
2 hours
Aging is the ultimate risk factor for many diseases marked by the progression and deterioration of organs and tissues and an enhanced risk of disease initiation. Immorta Bio‘s technologies aim to leverage the power of the body’s own young stem cells and its own enhanced immune cells to deal with cancers as well as the diseases of aging just t...
Retinal Thinning Correlates with Pace of Cognitive Decline
Fight Aging!
6 hours
The central nervous system is inconveniently situated for those who wish to examine it in detail in living people, but one tiny portion is at least readily available for visual inspection - the retina at the back of the eye. To the degree that the retina is subject to the same mechanisms of aging as the brain, one might expect to be able to use r...
Altered Macrophage Behavior Can Accelerate Wound Healing
Fight Aging!
6 hours
Macrophages of the innate immune system exhibit a range of different states known as polarizations. M1 macrophages are inflammatory and focused on attacking pathogens and errant cells. M2 macrophages are anti-inflammatory and focused on tissue maintenance, playing an important role in regeneration from injury. Not a vital role, strictly speaking,...
AI, AR, VR: The Technology Boosting Healthspan
Healthspan Action Coaltion
7 hours
by by Johane du Toit – – The COVID pandemic accelerated the use of technology in the virtual and digital platforms by individuals for a whole host of unique systems, which effectively helped to improve the value and quality of life for many.  The COVID pandemic accelerated the use of technology in the virtual […] The post AI, AR...