
14 February 1907Unknown, Japan


6 April 2019Hiji, Ōita Prefecture, Japan



N / A

This profile belongs to an anonymous lady who passed away in the city of Hiji, Ōita Prefecture, Japan.

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The anonymous lady was born in Japan on 14 February 1907, and passed away in Hiji, Ōita Prefecture, Japan, on 6 April 2019, at the age of 112 years, 51 days.

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On 17 June 2018, following the passing of 111-year-old Kameo Ōya, she became the oldest living person in Ōita Prefecture.

Upon her passing, she was succeeded as the Prefecture’s oldest living person by Shiki Fukuda.

At the time of her passing, she was the second-oldest person ever to have lived in Ōita Prefecture, only after Mitsue Toyoda (1902–2016).

Her age was verified by Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare (MHLW), as well as Yu Li and Yumi Yamamoto, and validated by LongeviQuest on 14 February 2024.

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* “100歳以上:県内873人 高齢化率、前年比0.6ポイント上回る あす敬老の日/大分” – Mainichi Shimbun (local edition/Ōita, page 25), 16 September 2018