LongeviQuest is pleased to report that Josephine Amorosi of Florida, turns 110 years old.

Sunrise woman Josephine Amorosi celebrated her 110th birthday at a restaurant with her family and friends.

CBS Miami had the chance to witness her birthday celebration and asked her about the secret of her longevity. She simply answered, “No sex“, and then laughed.

Josephine Amorosi was born on 23 October 1914. She got married to her late husband in 1936 and the couple had two children together.

On her 108th birthday, she celebrated at the Four Corners Bingo Hall in Pompano Beach, Miami, Florida.

Amorosi lives in Sunrise alone and goes to bingo every Friday to Sunday.

LongeviQuest sends our warmest greetings for her 110th birthday celebration. May she continue to be an inspiration to all of us.