Katie Logemann was a validated German-born American supercentenarian who died in 2019 at the age of 111.

Katie Logemann was born on December 15, 1907, in Hude, Lower Saxony, Germany. She was one of seven siblings. Orphaned at 14 after the deaths of her parents, she worked for neighbors, learning to milk cows and handle various farm tasks, including transporting milk jugs on her bicycle.

In 1930, she got married, and the couple had 2 children. In 1940, they relocated to the Stockton Delta in California to take advantage of better farming conditions. There, she helped with farm work, including picking tomatoes and driving a tractor. The family farmed until the early 1970s, after which her son took over. Remarkably, in her 90s, she went ocean kayaking and dog sledding in Alaska.

Logemann traveled widely with her husband and spent winters at the Fountain of Youth Spa RV Resort in California, where she led water aerobics classes until she was 103. She was involved with the Farm Bureau, Hermann Sons, and The Fidelity Club, and volunteered at the Stockton Center for the Blind.

On her 110th birthday. (Source: Gerontology Wiki/Lodi News)

On her 110th birthday.
(Source: Gerontology Wiki/Lodi News)

Logemann passed away in Lodi, California, USA, on 19 February 2019, at the age of 111 years, 66 days. She was survived by her son, five grandchildren, 10 great-grandchildren, and seven great-great-grandchildren.

LongeviQuest congratulates Katie Logemann’s family on her posthumous recognition.

For more information, please view Mrs. Logemann’s Directory Profile here.