Asakichi Okada was a validated Japanese supercentenarian known as the oldest living man in Hyōgo Prefecture.

Asakichi Okada was born on 30 January 1906 in Hyōgo Prefecture. He worked as a rice and orange farmer since childhood and continued to work in the field until his 90s.

In September 2013, aged 107. (Source: Awaji City Mayor's Website)

In September 2013, aged 107.
(Source: Awaji City Mayor’s Website)

Until his later years, he enjoyed interacting with people at the day service center twice a week. He also loved the popular Kansai TV show “Yoshimoto Comedy” and believed that the secret to his longevity was watching funny TV, laughing out loud, and eating delicious food.

Mr. Okada passed away on 15 August 2016 due to old age of 110 years and 198 days old.

For more information, please visit Asakichi Okada’s Directory Profile here.