Rome, Italy – The oldest living nun in Europe, Sister Serafina (birth name: Anna La Morgia), celebrated her 111th birthday on 17 April.

Corriere Roma reported that there was a big celebration at the convent and general house where Sister Serafina lives with her fellow nuns. They organized a special day complete with cake, candles, prayers, Mass, and songs from their African novices, who deeply admire her. When asked about turning 111, she humbly remarked that the years are in God’s hands. She and her fellow nuns pray for everyone, especially those who request their prayers. Sister Serafina holds a strong devotion to the Christ Child, keeping a statuette of Him on her bed during the day and praying for a peaceful night’s sleep.

Despite some hearing difficulties, she remains very clear-minded, spends her days in prayer, and shares meals with other nuns. They all regard her as a mother figure and feel blessed to have her among them.

La Morgia at the age of 107 (Source: Supercentenari d’Italia)

Anna La Morgia was born in Lanciano, a town in Abruzzo’s Chieti province in Italy, on 17 April 1913. She had a twin sister, who also became a nun. Her twin sister, Anna, who survived the Spanish flu epidemic with her, also dedicated her life to serving others in the convent and as a nurse. She passed away in 2011 at the age of 98.

At the age of 111, she is the second-oldest living nun known to researchers, after Brazil’s Inah Canabarro Lucas.

For more information, please view Sister Serafina’s Directory Profile here.