LongeviQuest is pleased to announce the age validation of Elsie Davis at 110 years old. She was an American supercentenarian known as the oldest living person in Connecticut at the time of her death. 

Elsie was born on 23 May 1907 in Norfolk, Virginia, USA. After her mother passed away, she went and stayed with her aunt in Philadelphia. Elsie travelled back and forth between Philadelphia and Virginia until her younger brother sent for her at age 17. She then relocated to Middletown, Connecticut, with her brother. 

Upon her relocation, she worked as a babysitter for the Byerly family, attendant at Snow White Laundry, and nurse aide at Middlesex Hospital. While working as a nurse’s aide, Elsie was known for designing the hospital’s first nurse’s cap.

On her 110th birthday in 2017. (Source: The Middletown Press)

On her 110th birthday in 2017.
(Source: The Middletown Press)

In 1934, she married John “Buck” Davis and the couple had five children together. The two of them also served as foster parents to 25 foster children for more than 20 years. 

At the age of 110, Elsie was still a member of the Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church of Middletown, Connecticut. 

Elsie Davis passed away on 18 November 2017 at the Apple Rehab Middletown Nursing Home in Middletown, Connecticut. 

At the time of her death, she was considered as the oldest known living person in Connecticut, USA, before Florence Carroll succeeded this feat. 

For more information, please visit Elsie Davis’ Directory Profile here.