It is with a heavy heart for LongeviQuest to share that Herbert Wolding passed away at 111 years old. He was an American supercentenarian known as the oldest living man in Wisconsin at the time of his death.

Mr. Wolding founded H.O. Wolding Inc. in 1935 where he started a single-man milk route and made it grow into a large dry van truckload company with more than 320 trucks today. Trucking news platform, CDLLife, reported Herbert’s passing last week.

LongeviQuest also confirmed that Herbert Wolding passed away on 17 November 2023 at the age of 111 years old. At the time of his death, he was oldest-validated living man in Wisconsin and in the whole United States.

Born on 15 October 1912, Herbert was born to Norwegian parents and had at least one brother. He attended Amherst High School until eighth grade but never graduated. He left school to assist his family with their business.

Aged 109. (Source: Facebook)

Aged 109.
(Source: Facebook)

He recently celebrated his 111th birthday in Portgage, Wisconsin, USA, on 15 October 2023. Unfortunately, Mr. Wolding passed away last week, 17 November 2023 in Nelsonville, Wisconsin, USA.

LongeviQuest sends our deepest condolences to the bereaved family and friends of Mr. Herbert.

For more information, please visit Herbert Wolding’s Directory Profile here.