LongeviQuest is pleased to announce the age validation of Maria Alaíde Menezes at 110 years old. She is a Brazilian supercentenarian who currently holds the record of being the oldest known living person in the state of Sergipe.
Maria Alaíde Menezes was born on 5 July 1912, in Sergipe, Brazil. She started studying in a local elementary school at a young age of 7 years old. She eventually became a teacher sometime later.
At the age of 107. (Source: Facebook/Georgeo Passos)

At the age of 107.
(Source: Facebook/Georgeo Passos)

In 1933, she participated in emancipation of the city of Ribeirópolis from Itabaiana. She read the municipality’s emancipation letter.
In March 1989, a municipal school at the emancipated city of Ribeirópolis was founded. It was named as Escola Municipal Maria Alaide Menezes, in tribute to her.
For more information, please view Maria Alaíde Menezes’ Directory Profile here.