Ruby Lockhart recently celebrated her 111th birthday last 17 May 2023 in Bryan, Ohio, United States. LongeviQuest validated her age on 3 February 2023 and the Williams County Commissioners supported this by passing a proclamation on her birthday.
The proclamation states that Ruby is the oldest known living person in the U.S. state of Ohio and that 17 May is now officially the Ruby Viola Lockhart Day.
She was born as Ruby Viola Clay in Elkhart, Indiana in 1912. Ruby proceeded to marry Ferral Wheeler Lockhart on 4 November 1931 and together they had three children.
As of the latest checking, Ruby had one living sister, 11 grandchildren, 14 great grandchildren, and 13 great-great grandchildren. She is currently living in Hillside Country, Bryan, Ohio, USA.
For more information, please view Ruby Lockhart’s Directory Profile here.