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García Gil was born in San Vicente de Cañete, Lima Region, Peru, on 6 October 1915. Her parents were Juan Francisco García, reportedly a Chinese immigrant, and Antonia Gil, a native of San Vicente de Cañete. She had five siblings.

At the age of 18 (at 23 according to a different source), she moved to the city of Lima. She never married nor had children. She worked in drug control in a laboratory for 48 years. She is a devotee of the Lord of Miracles (Spanish: Señor de los Milagros). Until she was 90 years old, she attended the procession, and later she followed virtual masses. She enjoyed traveling, and shortly before her 100th birthday, she made her second trip to the United States.

At the age of 105, it was reported that she was lucid, her eyesight and hearing were good, and she was only taking vitamins and blood pressure pills. She was still able to walk very well on her own, although she used a cane for added stability. At that time, she had over 200 relatives, including nephews, nieces, and their descendants. Her relatives affectionately call her “Chinita matuncuay.” She attributed her longevity to her healthy diet, enthusiasm, and discipline.


Her age is currently under review by LongeviQuest.


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