Yolanda Beltrão de Azevedo was born in Coruripe, Alagoas, Brazil, on 13 January 1911, as the first of 15 children.
As of March 2024, she had one living sister, Salete Beltrão, aged 89. One of her daughters, Irmã (Sister) Iolanda Beltrão, was born in 1933, and is currently 91 years old.
On 28 January 2021, she received her first dose of COVID-19 vaccine, making her one of the oldest people to be vaccinated in Brazil.
Her age was verified by Iara Souza and Gabriel Ainsworth, and validated by LongeviQuest on 27 March 2024. She is the first documented supercentenarian from the state of Alagoas.
* “Mesmo debaixo de chuva, idosos vão em busca de vacinação no primeiro dia em Maceió; veja fotos” – TNH1, 28 January 2021