Cultural Perspectives on Aging
Cultural Perspectives on Aging
American Edith Renfrow Smith (1914-Present) Validated as Supercentenarian
American Edith Renfrow Smith (1914-Present) Validated as Supercentenarian
America’s Oldest Person Elizabeth Francis Turns 115
America’s Oldest Person Elizabeth Francis Turns 115
Denmark’s Oldest Man, Jens Peter Westergaard, dies at 110
Denmark’s Oldest Man, Jens Peter Westergaard, dies at 110
Bermuda’s Oldest Man Ever dies one day before his 108th Birthday
Bermuda’s Oldest Man Ever dies one day before his 108th Birthday
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Michiko Matsumoto was born in Japan on 1 February 1904. She had children.

In September 2003, at the age of 99, she received a special visit from the city mayor at her home in Saijō City, Ehime Prefecture, where she resided with her grandson Takashi, then 53, and his wife. She was presented with a portrait as a gift during this visit. In September 2012, she attended an event organized by the city to celebrate Respect for the Aged Day. During the event, she had the opportunity to shake hands with the mayor, and congratulatory gifts were subsequently sent to her home. In both September 2013 and 2014, she was visited twice at her home by the mayor, and she received additional congratulatory gifts. At that time, she was the oldest person in Saijō City.

Matsumoto remained remarkably active well into her old age. At the age of 99, she climbed up and down the stairs at her home anywhere between twenty to thirty times a day. She credited her longevity to the support of her grandson and his wife. She enjoyed enjoyed eating sweets and meat

Michiko Matsumoto passed away in Saijō City, Ehime Prefecture, Japan, on 31 March 2015, at the age of 111 years, 58 days.


In September 2014, she was reported as the third-oldest living person in Ehime Prefecture, after Yoneno Kouno and Hikari Kataoka. Upon Kataoka’s passing in February 2015, she became the second-oldest living person in the Prefecture.

Her age was verified by Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare (MHLW), as well as Yu Li, Marco Wikkerink, and Yumi Yamamoto, and validated by LongeviQuest on 2 December 2023.


* “全国高齢者名簿” – September 2003 edition

* Saijo City Public Relations Magazine

* “100歳バンザイ!! 数え100歳以上祝う 新居浜/西条/今治” – Ehime Shimbun, 2 September 2003


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