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Masayo Okamoto was born in Mimasaka, Okayama Prefecture, Japan, on 21 September 1901. She got married in her 20s and had four children—three boys and one girl—while engaged in farming work.

Okamoto moved into a hospital nursing ward in 2011 at the age of 109 but was still reported to be in good spirits, eating three meals a day. She passed her time on the ward by singing songs and throwing a ball. In December 2012, Okamoto was visited by approximately ten local officials and presented with a bouquet of flowers to congratulate her on her status as the oldest person in Okayama Prefecture. In response, she said, I’m always happy when I can see you all. Thank you.” When asked about the secret of her longevity, she replied, “Eating without leaving any food behind, and enjoying your life.”

Masayo Okamoto passed away in Mimasaka City, Okayama Prefecture, Japan, on 7 September 2013, at the age of 111 years, 351 days.


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On 7 March 2012, following the death of 110-year-old Yae Yabuki, she became the oldest living person in Okayama Prefecture.

On 2 December 2012, at the age of 111 years, 72 days, she surpassed the final age of Shitsuko Araki, becoming the oldest person to ever live in Okayama Prefecture. She held this title until 18 March 2016, when Yoshiyo Bessho surpassed her final age.

Following her passing, Yoshie Sarai succeeded her as the Prefecture’s oldest living person.


* “祝長寿 岡山県新記録 111歳3カ月 美作の岡本さん” – Sanyo Shimbun, 21 December 2012

* “県内最高齢の111歳亡くなる/岡山県” – Asahi Shimbun, 10 September 2013


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