José Guillermo Mogollón Muñoz was a validated Peruvian supercentenarian born in 1910.

José Guillermo Mogollón Muñoz was born in Zarumilla, Tumbes Department, Peru, on 11 June 1910.

In July 2019, aged 109. (Source: Municipalidad Provincial de Zarumilla)

In July 2019, aged 109.
(Source: Municipalidad Provincial de Zarumilla)

At some point, he got married and had seven children. He was a veteran of the Ecuadorian–Peruvian War of 1941, specifically the Battle of Zarumilla (23-31 July 1941). In September 2016, the Minister of Defense, Mariano González, awarded the ‘Peruvian Army’ Medal in the city of Tumbes to him and nine other ex-combatants who had participated in the battle of Zarumilla.

José Guillermo Mogollón Muñoz passed away of natural causes in Zarumilla, Tumbes Department, Peru, on 12 February 2021, at the age of 110 years, 246 days. According to his granddaughter, he remained lucid until the day he passed. He had dinner as usual, but the next morning, when they went to wake him, they found him lifeless in his bed.

For more information, kindly visit his Directory Profile here.