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Fumiko Tsubaki was born in Japan on 1 January 1908.

Fumiko Tsubaki passed away of natural causes in Kurayoshi, Tottori Prefecture, Japan, on 17 December 2018, at the age of 110.


On 19 April 2017, following the death of 109-year-old Hanako Sugimoto of Kurayoshi, she became the oldest living person in Tottori Prefecture.

Upon her death, Toshiko Hayashibara became the oldest living person in Tottori Prefecture.

Her age was verified by Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare (MHLW), as well as Yumi Yamamoto, and validated by LongeviQuest on 22 July 2023.


* “鳥取県最高齢者の死亡について” – Tottori Prefecture, 20 April 2017

* “鳥取県最高齢者の死亡について” – Tottori Prefecture, 18 December 2018

* “110歳女性死去 /鳥取” – Mainichi Shimbun, 19 December 2018

