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Bienvenido Díaz Guilfú was born on 12 July 1913 in Patillas, a beach town located on the southeastern coast of Puerto Rico. He was the first of seven children born to parents Telesforo Diaz and Alejandrina Guilfu, all of whom he survived. For his career, he worked in agriculture on his farm in the Mulas barrio of Patillas, where he cultivated a diverse range of crops, including tobacco, corn, bananas, beans, and pineapples, which he would sell at the local market.

For the last 20 years of his life, he was blind due to glaucoma, but he remained lucid and in good health into old age.

At the time of his 109th birthday in 2022, he had 14 children, 43 grandchildren, 80 great-grandchildren, 28 great-great-grandchildren and two great-great-great-grandchildren.

Bienvenido Díaz Guilfú passed away in Mulas, Patillas, Puerto Rico, on 5 November 2023, at the age of 110 years, 116 days.


For his 100th birthday, he was reported on in a local newspaper. At the age of 108, he was interviewed on TeleOnce, a Puerto Rican news station.

Díaz Guilfú’s age was categorized as ‘pending validation’ by the Latin American Supercentenarians (LAS) as of 12 September 2021. The validation process was completed by Stefan Maglov, and his age was validated by LongeviQuest on 21 July 2023.


* Aged 109 – Conociendo a Puerto Rico, 16 July 2022

* “Bienvenido Díaz Guilfú, quien cumplió 110 años el pasado 12 de julio, falleció hoy domingo en su pueblo natal de Patillas.” – Facebook (Conociendo a Puerto Rico), 5 November 2023


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