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American Neva Peacock (1914-Present) Validated as Supercentenarian
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Hara was born in Seinaiji, Nagano Prefecture, Japan, on 7 June 1902. She got married at the age of 19. After losing her husband when she was 45, she earned a living by doing agricultural work and cultivating silkworms while raising their seven children.

In 2008, Hara entered a special nursing home for the elderly in Iida City. While there, she was reported to spend her time peacefully, engaging with both staff and fellow residents. She helped the staff with things like folding clothes, and was loved by those around her. She took a midday nap every day, and enjoyed eating rice balls and meat. Hara and her son lived in the same nursing home from 2008. At the age of 109, aside from being slightly hard of hearing, she was in good health. She hardly ever caught a cold, and when she did, she recovered in a few days without taking any medicine.

Sotomi Hara passed away at a hospital in Iida City, Nagano Prefecture, Japan, on 23 June 2014, at the age of 112 years, 16 days.



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On 24 March 2011, following the death of 109-year-old Kisoi Miyazawa of Nagano City, she became the oldest living person in Nagano Prefecture.

In September 2011, Hara was visited by the deputy-governor of Nagano Prefecture and given congratulatory gifts in celebration of Respect for the Aged Day. During the visit, Hara and the governor played with string figures, a pastime she both enjoyed and had a talent for. She was the oldest person in Nagano Prefecture at this time. In September of the following year, once again in celebration of Respect for the Aged day, she received a congratulatory letter and gifts by the prefecture.

On 19 April 2013, at the age of 110 years, 316 days, she surpassed the final age of Umeno Arai (1898–2009), becoming the oldest person to ever live in Nagano Prefecture.

Her age was verified by Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare (MHLW), as well as Anson Davis, and validated by the Gerontology Research Group on 29 May 2013.


* “敬老の日 県内最高齢-飯田の原さんに祝い状 加藤副知事が訪問” – Shinano Mainichi Shimbun, 20 September 2011

* “県内最高齢・原さんを加藤副知事が訪問 敬老の日 / 長野県” – Asahi Shimbun (Tokyo local edition/3 Nagano), 20 September 2011

* “原そとみさんが死去 県内最高齢112歳” – Shinano Mainichi Shimbun, 26 June 2014


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