Maria da Conceição de Brito, the Doyenne of Portugal, Celebrates Her Claimed 112th Birthday
María Adriana Morales Mira was born in Chile on 3 July 1911. Her husband, Óscar López, was one of the founders of the Buin Fire Department (Spanish: Primera Compañia Cuerpo de Bomberos Buin).
María Adriana Morales Mira passed away in San Miguel, Santiago Province, Chile, on 28 March 2022, at the age of 110 years, 268 days.
Her age was verified by Dr. Mónica Almonacid and Fabrizio Villatoro, and validated by LongeviQuest on 31 August 2024.
* “El día de hoy queremos enviar un saludo muy especial a nuestra querida María Adriana Morales Mira, quien cumple 109 años” – Facebook (Primera Compañia Cuerpo de Bomberos Buin), 3 July 2020