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Francisco Ernesto Filho was born in Brazil on 5 April 1914. In his youth, he worked on a farm. Later, during his time in Recife (Pernambuco), he was employed as an elevator attendant. After moving to the city of Rio de Janeiro, he worked as a gardener and, to supplement his income, worked with gardening and cleaning in private residences. Gardening became a lifelong passion that he continued as a hobby well into his old age. He had seven children (four sons and three daughters). His wife passed away on 13 July 2023, aged 98.

As of November 2024, he remained in good health, taking only a tranquilizer to aid his sleep. He maintained a healthy appetite and enjoyed his meals. Although he walked with difficulty, often needing to steady himself by holding onto walls, his family was always present to help him avoid falls and maintain his balance. He has a fondness for coffee and bread, dark beer, and lemon soda. At the time, he had 13 grandchildren, 18 great-grandchildren, and one great-great-grandchild.


His age was verified by Gabriel Ainsworth and James Roberts, and validated by LongeviQuest on 15 April 2024.



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