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Chiyono Kamono was born in Sakaricho (now part of Ōfunato), Iwate Prefecture, Japan, on 4 September 1911. She was the third daughter among six children born into a farming family. During the Taishō era (1912–26), she relocated to Tokyo and found employment at a beer factory. She married in her twenties, but her husband lost his life in Burma (now Myanmar) during the Pacific War. She endured the Tokyo air raids, shielding her son while being showered with sparks. After the war, she returned to her hometown of Ōfunato. Upon her return, she started farming in order to provide for her eldest son and her niece.

Kamono moved into a nursing home in 2008. She experienced the impact of the Great East Japan Earthquake on March 11, 2011, but managed to avoid the tsunami by seeking refuge on the third floor of the nursing home. At the time, she expressed concerns that “something worse than war had happened.” She was known for her bright and lively personality.

Kamono passed away in Ōfunato, Iwate Prefecture, Japan, at 3:49 pm on 24 January 2022, at the age of 110 years, 142 days.


On 29 August 2020, following the death of Yone Saito of Hachimantai City, she became the oldest living person in Iwate Prefecture.

At the time of her passing, she was the oldest person in Iwate Prefecture. On that very day, Mitsu Obara, the second-oldest resident in Iwate Prefecture, also passed away at the age of 110. Following their passings, Emi Matsuda of Kitakami City assumed the title of the new oldest living person in the prefecture.

Her age was verified by Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare (MHLW), as well as Yu Li and Yumi Yamamoto, and validated by LongeviQuest on 14 September 2023.


* “津波、震災生き抜き100歳/大船渡の女性、誕生日祝福” – Shikoku Shinbun, 4 September 2011

* “ますますの長生き誓う 県内最高齢者・鴨野さん 110歳の誕生日祝福” – Tohkaishinpo, 5 September 2021

* “県内最高齢、唯一存命の明治生まれ 鴨野チヨノさん死去” – IwateNippo, 26 January 2022

* “県内最高齢者110歳死去、甘いものと郷土芸能好き” – Asahi Shinbun, 9 February 2022


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