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Aino Matsuoka was born in Japan on 03 September 1903. At the age of 109, she was paid a special visit by her city’s mayor in celebration of Respect for the Aged Day on 18 September 2012. She was awarded a congratulatory letter and gifts. When asked about her favorite food, she replied “I’ll eat anything.”

On 22 September 2014, at the age of 111, Aino Matsuoka was visited once more by the mayor in celebration of Respect for the Aged Day. She was awarded a congratulatory letter and gifts. When asked about her health, Aino said that even if she felt unwell, she didn’t want to see a doctor, insisting she “sleep off” any ailments. Aino Matsuoka was the oldest living person in Kōbe City’s Kita Ward at the time of both visits.

Aino Matsuoka passed away in Kita Ward, Kōbe City, Hyogo Prefecture on 13 November 2015 at the age of 112 years, 71 days.


Aino Matsuoka became the oldest living person in Hyogo Prefecture on 5 May 2015 with the death of 111-year-old Yuriko Nishimura of Ashiya City. Following her death, 111-year-old Tazuyo Kobayashi of Itami City became Hyogo Prefecture’s oldest living person.


* “県内最高齢112歳、松岡さんが死去/兵庫” 朝日新聞 November 4, 2015, Osaka local edition/Hyogo
* “区内最高齢者を訪問しました(26年9月22日)” Kita Ward Mayor Diary, September 22, 2014


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