Maria Liesse Callou Duarte was born in Brejo Seco, Juazeiro do Norte, Ceará on 2 January 1914, to parents Gonçalo Parente de Sá Barreto and Raimunda Pinto Callou. She had at least 6 siblings.
Maria Liesse married Joaquim Duarte Grangeiro (1901–1965), who would later be elected twice as mayor of Barbalha, from 1956 to 1959 and 1964 to 1967. She thus was first lady of the city while he served. However, her husband sadly passed away during his 2nd term in July 1965. From her eight children, seven of them are alive, including: Reginaldo, a former senator of the republic and Regnoberto, a retired judge.
In January 2021, aged 107, she was vaccinated against COVID-19. At the time, it was reported that she was isolated for 10 months during the pandemic. During isolation, she maintained many of her hobbies, such as filling out crosswords and watching television. At the time, she had 27 grandchildren, 36 great-grandchildren, and four great-great-grandchildren.
Her age was verified by Filipe Lopes, Gabriel Ainsworth, and Stefan Maglov, and validated by the LAS on 5 January 2023.
* “Aos 107 anos, dona Liesse é uma das primeiras idosas vacinadas contra Covid-19 de Barbalha” – Site Miséria, 27 January 2021