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Natalia Villanueva Ruiz was born in Ráquira, Boyacá Department, Colombia, on 24 February 1911. Her parents were Heleodoro Villanueva Flórez and Umbelina Ruiz Ruiz. She had one older sister, Lucinda, who had one son, Roman, Natalia’s only nephew, who died aged 45 in 1972.

Villanueva Ruiz never married nor had children. She worked as an elementary school teacher. Later in her life, she moved to Bogotá and became an Haute couture seamstress, a job in which she had a lot of success. In her late years, due to her old age, she moved to Medellín, where her cousin lived.

At the age of 106, she moved to a nursing home in Copacabana, Metropolitan area of Medellín. A report for her was made that year, and she was reported as being “impressive”, as she was extremely independent for her age.

Natalia Villanueva Ruiz passed away on 21 December 2023 in Copacabana, Antioquia Department, Colombia, aged 112 years, 300 days.


Her age was verified by Santiago García Medina, and listed as a pending validation on the LAS as of 8 May 2021.


* “Centro de Bienestar del Anciano en Copacabana acoge a 36 adultos mayores” – Lasnoticiasenred, 31 July 2017

* “Longevidad Natalia Villanueva celebra 110 años, nació en 1911” – Teleantioquia Noticias, 28 February 2021


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