Cultural Perspectives on Aging
Cultural Perspectives on Aging
American Edith Renfrow Smith (1914-Present) Validated as Supercentenarian
American Edith Renfrow Smith (1914-Present) Validated as Supercentenarian
America’s Oldest Person Elizabeth Francis Turns 115
America’s Oldest Person Elizabeth Francis Turns 115
Denmark’s Oldest Man, Jens Peter Westergaard, dies at 110
Denmark’s Oldest Man, Jens Peter Westergaard, dies at 110
Bermuda’s Oldest Man Ever dies one day before his 108th Birthday
Bermuda’s Oldest Man Ever dies one day before his 108th Birthday
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Christopher was born as Anne Langston in South Carolina on 4 March 1895. She vividly recalled the news of the Wright brothers’ flight when she was eight years old, and her sadness upon hearing of the sinking of the RMS Titanic in 1912. She was brought up on a tobacco farm, and learnt to wring and pluck a chicken for cooking. As a young woman, she was a fan of actor Clark Gable.

Christopher worked as a second grade teacher in Pickens, South Carolina for many years. She and her husband, Gignilliatte Garvin Christopher, had three children, Gignilliatte Jr., Ann Jr., and Marion. She was widowed in 1955 and went on to outlive two of her children as well as two grandsons.

In 2002, Christopher moved to Rome, Georgia to be closer to her family, residing in an assisted living facility. Throughout her life, she never smoked and seldom drank alcohol, enjoying the occasional glass of wine.

Christopher died on 10 October 2007 at the age of 112 years, 220 days. She was survived by one of her daughters, Marion, as well as four grandchildren, 11 great-grandchildren, and five great-great-grandchildren.


Following the death of 109-year-old Mary Rountree on 16 December 2004, Christopher became the state of Georgia’s oldest resident. Upon her own death nearly three years later, the title passed to Beatrice Farve (1895 – 2009)

Christopher’s age was verified by Filipe Prista Lucas and validated by the GRG on 12 October 2007.



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