Cultural Perspectives on Aging
Cultural Perspectives on Aging
American Edith Renfrow Smith (1914-Present) Validated as Supercentenarian
American Edith Renfrow Smith (1914-Present) Validated as Supercentenarian
America’s Oldest Person Elizabeth Francis Turns 115
America’s Oldest Person Elizabeth Francis Turns 115
Denmark’s Oldest Man, Jens Peter Westergaard, dies at 110
Denmark’s Oldest Man, Jens Peter Westergaard, dies at 110
Bermuda’s Oldest Man Ever dies one day before his 108th Birthday
Bermuda’s Oldest Man Ever dies one day before his 108th Birthday
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Sofia Rojas was born on a small farm in Suaita, Santander, Colombia, on 13 August 1907, to mother Carmen Rojas.

At some point, she got married and had four children. She worked as a Guarapo seller.

In 1957, she moved to Bucaramanga, Santander. Rojas was Catholic and very religious; she was particularly devoted to the Virgin of Candelaria. Her family and neighbors called her ”La Paloma” (Spanish for ”the dove”).

At the age of 114, she used a wheelchair to go out, but she could still walk slowly inside her house if helped by two people. At the time, her youngest sister, Brigida, was still alive at the age of 97, She also had three living children, 18 grandchildren, 24 great-grandchildren, and 16 great-great-grandchildren.

Rojas died in Bucaramanga, Santander, Colombia on 30 July 2022, at the age of 114 years, 351 days, just two weeks short of her 115th birthday.


On 12 October 2021, at the age of 114 years, 60 days, she surpassed the age of Carmen Emilia Jaramillo (1906–2020), becoming the oldest validated person ever from Colombia.

Her age was verified by Santiago Garcia and Stefan Maglov, and validated by the LAS on 3 February 2022, and by the GRG on 14 February.



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