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Oteru Takiguchi was born in Japan on 19 April 1900. From her youth she was strong and loved to walk.

At the age of 112, she attributed her longevity to “eating well”. She took her time at every meal (three times a day) with easy-to-eat, tender-cooked meat and fish and her favorite miso soup. She was reported to have been using a day service at a welfare facility twice a week until about the age of 111, and by the time she was 112, she was reportedly receiving daily care services in her own home.

Takiguchi passed away on November 30, 2012 at the age of 112 years and 225 days. At the time of her death, she was the second-oldest living person in Tokyo behind an anonymous woman of Shibuya Ward, Tokyo.


For three years in early autumn from 2010 to 2012, the mayor of Machida, Tokyo, visited her to celebrate her longevity as the city’s oldest person.


* Machida City Public Relations Magazine No. 1626 – 11 September 2010
* Machida City Public Relations Magazine No. 1662 – 11 September 2011

* “町田市の最高齢者・オテルさんの誕生日” – NAOJI~SANのおしゃべり, 19 April 1900
* Machida City Public Relations Magazine No. 1698 – 11 September 2012

* “町田市の最高齢者「オテルさん」のお通夜” – NAOJI~SANのおしゃべり, 3 December 2012


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