Cultural Perspectives on Aging
Cultural Perspectives on Aging
American Edith Renfrow Smith (1914-Present) Validated as Supercentenarian
American Edith Renfrow Smith (1914-Present) Validated as Supercentenarian
America’s Oldest Person Elizabeth Francis Turns 115
America’s Oldest Person Elizabeth Francis Turns 115
Denmark’s Oldest Man, Jens Peter Westergaard, dies at 110
Denmark’s Oldest Man, Jens Peter Westergaard, dies at 110
Bermuda’s Oldest Man Ever dies one day before his 108th Birthday
Bermuda’s Oldest Man Ever dies one day before his 108th Birthday
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Luis Quiroga Cossio was born on 23 April 1893 in San Felipe, Chile to parents Federico Quiroga and Eliodora Cossio de Quiroga.

On 17 November 1920, aged 27, he married Evangelina Sara Riquelme Pareja in Chile’s capital city of Santiago. A couple of years earlier, at the age of 25, he became a Freemason, and remained part of the Order for the rest of his life. In 1996, when he was 103, Quiroga Cossio was recognized as being the oldest Freemason in Chile.

Quiroga Cossio passed away in Santiago, Chile, on 9 August 2003 at the age of 110.

(Partially sourced from Gerontology Wiki)


His age was validated by the LAS in January 2020, becoming the first validated supercentenarian from Chile.


* October 2003 Publication – El Heraldo Masónico


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